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7-03 Chicken Licken

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名称:7-03 Chicken Licken
Once upon a time, Chicken-Licken went for a walk in the forest.
As she walked under an oak tree, an acorn fell on her head,
“Oh! Oh!” said Chicken-Licken, “The sky is falling! I must go and tell the king! ” So off went Chicken-Licken to tell the king.

On the way she met Duck-Luck.
“Where are you going?” asked Duck-Luck.
“I’m going to tell the king that the sky is falling!” said Chicken-Licken.
“I will come with you,” said Duck-Luck.
So off went Chicken-Licken and Duck-Luck to see the king.

On the way they met Goose-loose.
“Where are you going?” asked Goose-loose.
“We’re going to tell the king that the sky is falling!” said Chicken-Licken and Duck-Luck.
“I will come with you,” said Goose-loose.
So off went Chicken-Licken, Duck-Luck and Goose-loose to see the king.

On the way they met Turkey-Lurkey.
“Where are you going?” asked Turkey-Lurkey.
“We’re going to tell the king that the sky is falling!” said Chicken-Licken Duck-Luck and Goose-loose.
“I will come with you,” said Turkey-Lurkey.
So off went Chicken-Licken, Duck-Luck, Goose-loose and Turkey-Lurkey to see the king.

They walked on and on, and they met Fox-Lox.
“Where are you all going?” he asked.
“We’re going to tell the king that the sky is falling!” said Chicken-Licken Duck-Luck, Goose-loose and Turkey-Lurkey.
“Well, well, well!”said Fox-Lox. “You can all come with me. I will show you the way.”
“Oh, thank you,” said Chicken-Licken, Duck-Luck, Goose-loose and Turkey-Lurkey. And off they went with Fox-Lox.

Fox-Lox took Chicken-Licken Duck-Luck, Goose-loose and Turkey-Lurkey down the road, past the trees, up the hill, and all the way to his den.
He went inside and called, “Come on in! Come on in!”
But a little squirrel saw Chicken-Licken, Duck-Luck, Goose-loose and Turkey-Lurkey.
She called down to them, “Don’t go in there! Fox-Lox will eat you! Run away! Run away!”
Chicken-Licken Duck-Luck, Goose-loose and Turkey-Lurkey stopped, They looked at Fox-Lox’s den.
“Let’s go!”  “We must go home!” “Come on!”
Then they ran and they ran, as fast as they could, all the way home.
And they never did go and tell the king that the sky was falling.
Forest森林 oak tree 橡树 acorn 橡子den 兽穴
off went……走开了(正常语序为went off)
The sky is falling! 天上下东西了!
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