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(三年级起点)2014江苏译林版小学英语 六[00:01.00]Unit 7 Summer holiday plans第7单元 暑假计划
[00:05.62]Story time讲故事
[00:08.50]The children are talking about their plans for the summer holiday.孩子们在讨论暑假的计划。
[00:14.27]Where will you go for the holiday, Mike?麦克,你暑假去哪儿玩啊?
[00:18.21]I'll go back to London.我会回伦敦。
[00:21.10]How long will you stay there?你在那里打算待多长时间?
[00:24.53]I'll stay there for a month. What about you?我会在伦敦待一个月的时间。你呢?
[00:29.57]I'll visit my aunt and uncle in Beijing.我会去北京看望我的婶婶和叔叔。
[00:34.53]That sounds great. 听起来不错。
[00:36.68]Will you go to Beijing by plane?你是坐飞机去北京吗?
[00:40.51]No, I won't. I'll go by train.不,我打算坐火车去。
[00:45.07]Where will you go for the summer holiday, Su Hai?苏海,你暑假打算去哪儿玩?
[00:50.18]I'll go to Hong Kong with my family.我会和家人一起去香港。
[00:54.44]Will you go to Disneyland?你会去迪斯尼玩吗?
[00:57.90]Yes, I will. We'll go to Ocean Park too. 是的。我会去。我们还会去海洋公园。
[01:02.88]What about you, Liu Tao?刘涛,你呢?
[01:06.24]I'll go to Taipei with my parents.我打算和我的爸妈一起去台北。
[01:11.20]That's wonderful. I want to see the city too.太棒了。我也想去这座城市。
[01:17.36]OK. I'll show you some photos after the holiday.暑假过后,我给你看照片。
[01:29.44]Hong Kong香港
[01:39.63]Sound time语音学习
[02:12.60][02:01.26]Look at the little boy Playing with his toy. 看这个小男孩玩玩具。
[02:17.21][02:05.84]He really is so happy. He's so full of joy!他真的很高兴。他内心充满了喜悦!
[02:26.04]Culture time文化学习
[02:28.89]You'll find Uluru in Australia.在澳大利亚,你会看见乌卢鲁。
[02:33.47]You'll find the Grand Canyon in the US.在美国,你会看见大峡谷。
[02:38.34]You'll find Buckingham Palace in the UK.在英国,你会看见白金汉宫。
[02:43.24]You'll find Niagara Falls in Canada.在加拿大,你会看见尼亚加拉大瀑布。
[02:48.29]Cartoon time卡通故事
[02:51.21]Bobby is reading a travel book.波比正在读一本旅行的书。
[02:55.10]I want to be a traveller and travel around the world.我想成为一名旅行家,然后周游世界。
[03:01.66]Bobby is talking about his travel plans with Sam.波比正在和萨姆讨论旅游计划。
[03:07.35]I'll visit many places. Will you go with me, Sam?我打算游览很多地方。萨姆,你愿意和我一起去吗?
[03:13.38]Yes, I will. What are your plans?我愿意,你的计划是什么?
[03:18.14]First, I'll go to the UK. 首先,我会去英国。
[03:21.46]Next, I'll go to the US. 然后,我会去美国。
[03:25.07]Then, I'll go to Australia.接着,我还会去澳大利亚。
[03:29.36]Sam is excited about Bobby's plans.萨姆对波比的计划很感兴趣。
[03:34.40]That sounds great! I'll go with you. 听起来真不错呢!我愿意和你一起去。
[03:39.33]How will we get to the UK, Bobby?波比,那你怎么去英国呢?
[03:43.20]Let's take a taxi.我们坐出租车去吧。
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