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(三年级起点)2012江苏译林版小学英语 五年级上册
[00:01.91]Unit 3 Our animal friends第三单元 我们的动物朋友
[00:07.16]Story time故事时间
[00:09.83]I have two animal friends..我有两个动物朋友。
[00:13.33]One is red and the other is black.一个是红色的,另一个是黑色的。
[00:18.18]They have big eyes and big bodies.它们有大大的眼睛,高高的个儿。
[00:23.13]They have no legs or arms, 它们没有胳膊和腿,
[00:26.71]but they have big tails.但是它们有大大的尾巴。
[00:30.64]They can swim.它们会游泳。
[00:33.10]I have an animal friend. 我有一位动物朋友。
[00:35.94]It is white. It has four legs and a short tail..它是白色的,它有四条腿和一根短尾巴。
[00:42.58]It has big ears. It can run and jump.它有大大的耳朵。它又会跑又会跳。
[00:50.24]My animal friend is white. 我的动物朋友是白色的,
[00:53.05]It has red eyes and long ears. 它有红色的眼睛和长长的耳朵。
[00:57.49]It has four legs and a short tail.它有四条腿和一根短尾巴。
[00:46.96]It can run.它会跑。
[00:49.65]My animal friend is yellow and green.我的动物朋友是黄色和绿色相间的。
[01:11.50]It has two legs and two wings. 它有两条腿和一双翅膀。
[01:15.06]It has a big mouth and a long tail. 它有大大的嘴巴和一根长长的尾巴。
[01:19.06]It can talk and fly.它会讲话还会飞。
[01:22.23]an arm一只胳膊
[01:26.86]a body一个身体
[01:30.28]a foot一只脚
[01:33.91]a leg一条腿
[01:37.25]a tail一根尾巴
[01:40.41]a wing一只翅膀
[01:44.69]Sound time发音时间
[01:46.98]u bus duck summer sun umbrella公共汽车 鸭子 夏天 太阳 伞
[02:08.85]Rubber duck likes the rain, But he doesn't like sunny weather.
[02:12.79]So when the summer sun comes out, He carries an umbrella!(歌曲)
[02:31.45]Culture time文化时间
[02:33.28]You can see pandas in China.在中国你可以看到大熊猫。
[02:38.23]You can see bald eagles in the US.在美国你可以看到秃鹰。
[02:43.88]You can see polar bears in Canada.在加拿大你可以看到北极熊。
[02:49.15]You can see kangaroos in Australia.在澳大利亚你可以看到袋鼠。
[02:54.85]Cartoon time卡通时间
[03:05.68]Look, Sam! We have a new friend.萨姆,看!我们有一位新朋友。
[03:11.08]Hello, I'm Sam. Nice to meet you.你好,我是萨姆,很高兴见到你。
[03:14.87]Don't shout, Sam! It's afraid.萨姆,不要大声说!它害怕了。
[03:19.46] Oh, it can run! It has ten legs.哦,它会跑!它有十条腿。
[03:25.48]No. It has eight legs. Those two are not legs.不,它有八条腿,那两条不是它的腿,
[03:31.54]They're arms.那是它的胳膊。
[03:33.72]It has big arms!它有大大的胳膊!
[03:37.45]It has a big body too.它也有一个大大的身体。
[03:41.57]Its body is hard. Give it a cake.它的身体很硬。给它一块儿蛋糕。
[03:47.88]Ha! Ha! It likes your fingers!哈哈!它喜欢你的手指!
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