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[00:08.50]Listen and match.
[00:13.37]Mom,I have a new friend from America.
[00:16.82]Her name is Sally.她叫萨利.
[00:18.69]What does she look like?她长什么样?
[00:20.50]Her hair is long and curly.她的头发又长又卷曲.
[00:23.01]Her eyes are blue.她的眼睛是蓝色的.
[00:24.99]She is quiet and shy.她很安静,而且很害羞.
[00:27.29]She has a doll.她有一个洋娃娃.
[00:29.24]It's prettier than Amy's.它比艾米的还要漂亮.
[00:31.41]She likes collecting coins.她喜欢收集硬币.
[00:34.08]One of her coins is the oldest in our class.
[00:40.63]Dad,I have a best friend in our school.
[00:43.85]Her name is Amy.她叫艾米.
[00:46.01]Tell me more about your best friend,please?
[00:49.35]She has short,straight hair.她有又短又直的头发.
[00:51.59]It's black.头发是黑色的.
[00:53.19]She has freckles on her face.她脸上有一些雀斑.
[00:55.67]She is friendly and honest.她很友好,而且诚实.
[00:58.39]She runs fastest in our class.她跑步是我班最快的
[01:01.10]She has a doll.她有一个洋娃娃.
[01:02.87]It's uglier than Sally's.它比萨丽的要丑一些.
[01:07.94]Andy,I have two new friends.安迪,我有两个新朋友.
[01:10.82]They are twins.他们是双胞胎.
[01:12.53]Oh,that's interesting.哦,那很有趣.
[01:15.19]Tell me about your twin friends.
[01:17.76]They're Tim and Tom.
[01:19.80]Their hair is brown and curly.他们有着棕色卷发.
[01:22.20]But Tim's hair is shorter than Tom's.
[01:26.18]Tim wears glasses.提姆戴着眼镜.
[01:28.01]He likes singing very much.他非常喜欢唱歌.
[01:30.62]He sings best in our class.他是我们班唱最好的.
[01:33.55]Tom likes reading.汤姆喜欢读书.
[01:35.16]He has a lot of books.他有许多书.
[01:37.34]He has the thickest dictionary in our class.
[01:45.16]Read and match.
[01:47.90]Who is talking with whom?谁在和谁说话?
[01:50.97]They are beautiful.他们很漂亮.
[01:52.87]I like the white horse best.我最喜欢那白色的马.
[01:55.28]It is the strongest.它是最强壮的.
[01:57.25]It has the longest tail among them.
[01:59.98]It's quiet and friendly.它很安静,也很友好.
[02:03.09]Jenny has a lot of friends in your class.
[02:06.19]She likes to help others.她喜欢帮助其他人.
[02:08.14]She draws best in your class.她在你们班画画最好.
[02:11.00]I am shorter than her.我比她矮.
[02:12.86]I think Jenny is your new friend.
[02:15.86]Hi!I have a new friend.嗨,我有一个新朋友.
[02:18.05]She's taller than you.她比你高.
[02:20.12]She is very popular in our class.
[02:23.30]She draws best in our class.她在我们班画画最好.
[02:26.23]Who is she?
[02:27.98]Look!There are three horses on the grass.
[02:31.63]The black horse is taller than the white horse,
[02:35.06]but the white horse runs faster than the black
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