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[00:01.31]Unit 11 第十一单元
[00:02.86]Keeping Fit 保持健康
[00:04.73]Lesson 66 第66课
[00:07.13]A Listen and number
[00:10.82]Dialogue 1
[00:12.91]Mom,I'm hungry.妈妈.我饿了.
[00:14.32]Can I eat dinner now?我可以吃晚餐了吗?
[00:16.97]But first you should put your things away.
[00:19.90]Then wash your hands before eating.
[00:24.07]Do I have to put my things away?
[00:27.15]It's not a good habit to leave things everywhere
[00:34.15]Dialogue 2
[00:36.73]Nannan,what's wrong?楠楠,怎么了?
[00:38.95]I feel tired and sleepy.我感觉困乏.
[00:42.12]Do you watch a lot of TV every night?
[00:45.03]Yes,I do .是的.
[00:46.85]I know I shouldn't watch too much TV.
[00:50.16]You are right.对了.
[00:51.38]You should get enough sleep every day,
[00:53.45]at least 8 hours of sleep.至少8小时.
[00:55.76]Also you should exercise every day.
[01:00.54]Dialogue 3
[01:03.18]Why don't you eat someting?你为什么不吃些东西?
[01:05.21]What's wrong.Linlin?怎么了,琳琳?
[01:07.70]I have a cold.我感冒了.
[01:08.95]I don't want to eat anything.我不想吃任何东西.
[01:11.98]That's too bad.太糟糕了.
[01:13.60]You should to to see a doctor.你应该去看医生.
[01:16.74]I think I should take some medicine and drink
[01:19.07]more water.
[01:20.94]Don't forget to have a good sleep.
[01:25.94]Dialogue 4
[01:28.16]Bill, I think I'm too fat.比尔,我觉得我太胖了.
[01:30.29]What should I do ?我该怎么办?
[01:32.21]Tell me what you eat every day.
[01:34.75]I eat a lot of meat.我吃很多肉.
[01:36.36]And I also like to eat chocolate.
[01:38.85]Do you exercise every day?你每天运动吗?
[01:41.56]Not every day.不是每天.
[01:42.90]I don't like sports.我不喜欢运动.
[01:45.28]That's the problem.这是问题所在.
[01:46.75]To keep healthy,you shouldn't eat too much meat
[01:50.17]or too much chocolate.
[01:52.28]You should eat a lot of fruit and vegetables
[01:55.26]and exercise every day.
[02:02.13]C Read and mark
[02:06.32]Let's talk about good habits and bad habites.
[02:10.32]What should we do or shouldn't we do every day?
[02:15.03]I think we should get plenty of sleep.
[02:18.81]We should keep clean.我们应该讲卫生.
[02:20.60]We should brush our teeth every day.
[02:24.20]I think we shouldn't play to many computer games
[02:27.91]or watch too much TV.
[02:30.38]They are bad for our eyes.它们对你的眼睛不好.
[02:32.97]I agree with you .我同意.
[02:35.30]And we shouldn't eat too much candy and
[02:37.15]chocolate .
[02:38.34]They are bad for our teech.它们对你的牙齿不好.
[02:40.75]We should exercise often.我们应该经常锻炼.
[02:43.82]We should do some chores every day.
[02:46.86]We should clean our bedromms,sweep the floor,
[02:50.62]wash our clothes and do the dishes.
[02:54.78]Also,we should drink a lot of water and some
[02:59.06]milk every day.
[03:00.94]We shouldn't drink too much pop.
[03:04.44]We shouldn't eat too much junk food.
[03:07.80]We should eat plenty of fruit and vegetables.
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