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[00:07.49]Let's read.
[00:09.73]The Biggest Animal on Land
[00:12.86]It is bigger than a hippo.
[00:15.08]It is smaller than a whale.
[00:17.35]Its neck is shorter than a giraffe's.
[00:20.13]Its ears are bigger than a pengin's.
[00:22.95]It is heavier than a crocodile.
[00:25.36]It is slower than a hummingbird.
[00:28.14]It is not an insect.
[00:30.09]It is not a reptile.
[00:32.47]It is the biggest mammal on land.
[00:34.95]It is an elephant.
[00:37.38]An elephant is often four meters tall.
[00:40.31]It can weigh four tons.
[00:42.68]An elephant usually moves slowly,
[00:45.36]but it can go 40 kilometers an hour when it runs
[00:49.92]Elephants are the only animals with a long nose
[00:53.86]called a trunk.
[00:55.24]An elephant trunk can pick up a tree as heavy as
[00:58.97]280 kilograms.
[01:02.04]It can pick up a peanut that is only four
[01:05.21]centimeters long.
[01:06.61]It is also the mammal with the biggest ears.
[01:09.79]They are half a meter long.
[01:12.65]Elephants have two tusks.
[01:14.83]They're long and white.
[01:16.60]A tusk can be as long as a person.
[01:19.23]It can weigh 100 kilograms.
[01:22.05]There are two kinds of elephant-
[01:24.52]-African elephants and Asian elephants.
[01:27.27]They are very strong,very smart and very big.
[01:40.30]Let's talk
[01:43.27]What kind of animal are elephants?
[01:46.09]They're mammals.
[02:08.34][01:56.69]What animals did you see at Animal World?
[01:59.97]I saw penguins.
[02:02.36]They're birds.
[02:04.37]How tall is a penguin?
[02:06.29]It's one meter tall.
[02:10.98]I saw ...
[02:21.32]Let's read.
[02:23.64]Mammal bodies are covered with hair or fur.
[02:29.58]Mother mammals feed milk to their babies.
[02:32.74]Mammals have warm blood.哺乳动物的血是温暖的.
[02:36.22]All birds have feathers.所有的鸟类都有羽毛.
[02:39.97]All birds have two wings.所有的鸟类都有两只翅膀.
[02:42.86]Mother birds lay eggs.鸟妈妈产卵.
[02:46.67]All reptiles have scales.所有爬行动物都有鳞片.
[02:51.28]Mother reptiles lay eggs.爬行动物妈妈产卵.
[02:54.40]Most reptiles have four legs.许多爬行动物有4条腿
[02:57.21]A snake is a reptile with no legs.
[03:06.24]Say and guess.
[03:10.58]First,I have wings.首先,我有翅膀.
[03:12.40]Second,I have feathers.其次,我有羽毛.
[03:14.10]What kind of animal am I?我是哪类动物?
[03:16.27]You are a bird.你是一只鸟.
[03:23.42]Try to say.
[03:39.52]Jack did his homework slowly.
[03:42.70]Linda did her homework quickly.
[03:45.81]Mary did her homework badly.
[03:48.97]Sandra did her homework carefully.
[03:52.51]Larry did his homework carelessly.
[03:56.40]David did his homework nicely.
[03:59.91]But I did my homework perfectly!
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