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The next morning at five o’clock, the third little pig got up, so he could get to the carrot field before the wolf. Hey guys, come on! Aren’t you coming with me? No way! It’s too early, and we’re scared.

Okay, I will go by myself then. The third little pig was not worried at all. He knew what he was doing. He went to the field and picked carrots then quickly returned home. At exactly six o’clock, the wolf came to the house and knocked on the door. Who’s there? It’s me. Wolf! Let’s go find the carrots now. Oh, I’m sorry wolf. You are too late. I already went to the carrot field and I’m now making carrot soup. Maybe next time, He fooled me this time, but I will get him next time. So the wolf returned home, and the three little pigs cheered. All right! He’s gone! We tricked him! Yummm. That soup sure smells good, little brother. Let’s eat! Sorry guys. No soup for lazy pigs. You have to work for your food. We should have gone with him to the carrot field. The third little pig enjoyed his delicious carrot soup all by himself. The next day, the wolf was walking around in the forest, thinking about how he could eat the pigs, when suddenly, an apple dropped on his head. Hey, that gives me a good idea. Pigs really love apples. I will ask them to come with me to the apple orchards. They won’t trick

Me this time! The hungry old wolf went back to the pigs’ house. Hey, I’m not mad at you, pigs. Please come with me tomorrow to the apple orchards, so we can pick some sweet, red apples together. Why, thank you. Wolfe. Where can we find these fine apples, and what time should we go? You can find the apples down at the merry orchards. I will pick you up at five o’clock. The hungry old wolf returned home, thinking how smart he was to come up with such a wonderful plan. Meanwhile, the pigs were making plans of their won. I am going to sleep now, because I am going to get up at four o’clock tomorrow morning. If you want apple pie, you have to come with me this time. We’ll come! We’ll come! The next morning at four o’clock, all the little pigs went to the merry orchards. They climbed the trees and began gathering sweet, red apples. That silly old wolf thought he could trick us. Did you ever see anyone so dumb? Shhhh! Don’ t talk so much. We have to hurry.

At that very moment , the wolf ran out from behind a tree. Now I’ve got you! You didn’t outsmart me this time. That’s what you think. The little pigs began throwing apples like bullets and sent the wolf running. The pigs climbed down from the tree and took all their delicious apples home. They baked many apple pies, and this time all the pigs enjoyed the food. This will never be enough pie for me. I could eat a whole mountain of apple pies.

Chapter 4

The next morning while the pigs were out taking a walk, they saw an advertisement that interested them. Hey brother, look at this! It says there is a fair going on at the village square. Can we go, please? Oh look! There is a pie eating contest. That’s for me! Well, there are some things I need for the farm. I guess we can go. What the pigs did not know was that the hungry old wolf was watching them from a distance. He was up to his old tricks. The fair, eh? I think I’ll enter the pig eating contest rather than the pie eating contest. This time I’ll get there first! The following day, the pigs were so excited about going to the fair, they forgot all about the hungry old wolf. When they arrived, they each wanted to do something different. I want to go on the merry-go-round! No, the ferries wheel, the Ferris wheel! I’ll see you two later. I see the farm supply booth just over there. Oh good. Now I can eat them one at a time. The wolf immediately put his plan into action. He quietly went over to the merry-go-round and stepped up on the platform, pretending to be one of the horses.

The first little pig could hardly wait to ride the merry-go-round. He ran to the man and handed him the money. He jumped on to one of the horses, not knowing he would actually jump on the back of the hungry old wolf! Wow! This one has real fur. The ride started, and suddenly the little pig realized he was not on a merry-go-round horse. The hungry old wolf jumped off the merry-go-round and began running off with the first pig on his back. Help! Let me off! Now I’ve got you!

The scared little pig knew he had to do something. So he slid off the wolf’s back and ran to find his brother. The second pig was about to get on the Ferris wheel when he heard the cries of the first little pig. The w-w-wolf is here! Help! The wolf is here? Hurry, get on the Ferris wheel with me. Mister, send us to the top…quickly. When the wolf saw that the two pigs were on the Ferris wheel, he jumped on and began climbing to the top where they were. He was getting closer and closer. But as soon as the pigs reached the bottom again, they jumped off and begged the Ferris wheel man to help them. Please mister, keep the hungry old wolf away from us! No problem, little pigs. I know just what to do. The man turned the Ferris wheel speed to turbo and gave the wolf a real ride for his money. He isn’t going to feel like eating pigs or anything else for a while. Thanks! We won’t have to worry about him now. Just then, the first little pig saw a sign pointing to the pie eating contest. Come on, brother. This is what I came for! Where do a sign up? The first pig entered the pie eating contest and the second pig cheered him on. The little pig ate and ate. In fact, several hours later, he was still eating pies.

Keep it up brother, you’re winning! Someone else was secretly cheering the little pig on. The more you eat, the sweeter you will taste, little piggy. Finally, all the other contestants gave up, and the first little pig was declared the winner. Congratulations, little pig! You are this year’s pie eating contest winner! Will you say a few words? Uggggg! Ah ha! He’s too full to even talk, much less run. I’ll just walk over and grab him. Little did the wolf know, but the third little pig knew what he was up to and had p plan of his own. The wolf came out of hiding and started coming after the first and second little pigs. Watch out! Here comes the hungry old wolf again! What do we do now? I don’t know! There’s no way I can run after eating all those pies! I have you now, little pigs. There’s no where to hide. Just then, the third little pig came to the rescue of his brothers. Hurry, jump in this barrel. We are going to roll you home.

What?? Just do it! We are running out of time! So the first little pig jumped into the barrel and his brothers quickly began rolling him home with the wolf close behind them. When they finally got home, the pigs locked all the doors and all the windows. The wolf arrived at the pigs’ home moments later. He knew from past experience that he couldn’t blow this house down, so he just waited outside, knowing the pigs would have to come out sooner or later. He’s still out there! What are we going to do? Well, I guess we should just ask him to join us for dinner. What? Are you crazy?! Trust me. I have a plan. I’ve already got the pot of water boiling in the fireplace. So, the third little pig opened the door and invited the wolf for dinner. Wolfe, you look so hungry. Why don’t you come in for dinner? I would love to join you for dinner. But when the wolf tried to enter the house, the door slammed shut. I’m so sorry, Wolfe. The wind must have blown the door closed.

Why don’t you come in through the window. So the wolf ran to the window. But just as he tried to go in, the window suddenly closed. Ooops! How clumsy of me. The window just slipped out of my hands. The chimney is the only other way into the house. But I think you’re too big to fit. I’m sorry, Wolfe. He thinks he can fool me. I’ll give him a big surprise and show him I can fit down the chimney. The hungry old wolf climbed up to the roof and slipped down the chimney, ready to surprise the three little pigs. But it was he that was surprised. When the wolf reached the bottom, he fell right into the little pigs’ cooking pot. And that was the end of the hungry old wolf. With their wolf troubles now finally behind them, you can be sure the three little pigs lived happily ever after!
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