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[00:00.00]Lesson 33
[00:07.94]Just speak
[00:09.93]Kate goes to the hospital with her mum. She sees many children there.
[00:13.07]Kate和她的妈妈去医院. 在这里她看到了许多的 小孩子.
[00:16.22]Some of them have a fever. Some have a stomachache.
[00:22.02]They are waiting outside the doctor's office.
[00:25.89]Doctor: May I have your name? Kate: Kate.
[00:27.57]医生:可以告诉我你的名字吗? Kate:Kate.
[00:29.26]Doctor: How old are you, Kate? Kate: I'm eleven.
[00:31.20]医生:你多大了,Kate? Kate:我11岁.
[00:33.15]Doctor: What's wrong with you? Kate: I have a fever and I have a headache.
[00:36.05]医生:你哪里不舒服? Kate:我发烧和头痛.
[00:38.95]Doctor: Open your mouth. Say "Ah...". Kate: Ah....
[00:41.55]医生:张开你的嘴.说 "啊". Kate:"啊".
[00:44.15]Doctor: Show me your tongue, Kate.
[00:45.41]医生:伸出你的舌头, Kate.
[00:46.68]Doctor: You do have a bad cold. You have to stay in bed and take some medicine.
[00:50.13]医生:你感冒了.你不得 不呆在家里休息并且吃 药.
[00:53.58]Remember to drink more water
[00:56.50]Kate: Can I go to school tomorrow?
[00:58.10]Kate:我明天能去学校 吗?
[00:59.69]Doctor: No. You have to take a good rest. I hope you will get well soon.
[01:02.73]医生:不能.你不得不好 好的休息.我想你应该很 快就会好的.
[01:05.78]Kate: Thank you,Doctor;
[01:07.76]Kate goes to the hospital with her mum. She sees many children there.
[01:11.00]Kate和她的妈妈去医院. 在这里她看到了许多的 小孩子.
[01:14.24]Some of them have a fever. Some have a stomachache
[01:19.60]They are waiting outside the doctor's office
[01:23.25]Doctor: May I have your name? Kate: Kate.
[01:25.00]医生:可以告诉我你的名字吗? Kate:Kate.
[01:26.75]Doctor: How old are you, Kate? Kate: I'm eleven
[01:28.65]医生:你多大了,Kate? Kate:我11岁.
[01:30.54]Doctor: What's wrong with you? Kate: I have a fever and I have a headache.
[01:33.45]医生:你哪里不舒服? Kate:我发烧和头痛.
[01:36.37]Doctor: Open your mouth. Say "Ah...". Kate: Ah....
[01:38.86]医生:张开你的嘴.说 "啊".
[01:41.36]Doctor: Show me your tongue, Kate.
[01:42.77]医生:伸出你的舌头, Kate.
[01:44.18]Doctor: You do have a bad cold. You have to stay in bed and take some medicine.
[01:47.42]医生:你感冒了.你不得 不呆在家里休息并且吃 药.
[01:50.65]Remember to drink more water.
[01:53.87]Kate: Can I go to school tomorrow?
[01:55.50]Kate:我明天能去学校 吗?
[01:57.13]Doctor: No. You have to take a good rest. I hope you will get well soon.
[02:00.18]医生:不能.你不得不好 好的休息.我想你应该很 快就会好的.
[02:03.22]Kate: Thank you,Doctor
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