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The fox and the monkey that became a king(狐狸和猴子谁成为了国王)

《The fox and the monkey that became a king(狐狸和猴子谁成为了国王)》说明:

  Once upon a time, the animals gathered together and had a meeting in the woods. Their meeting was about 'Who gets to become the king?' However, they could not come to a conclusion easily.

  After a long period of time, a rabbit suggested, "How about if the best dancer becomes the king?" "Yeah, that sounds good," agreed the other animals. Therefore, each animal came out in turn and danced eagerly. Nevertheless, there was no other animal who could dance as good as the flexible monkey.

  Animals gave the monkey a clap. "Wow! The monkey dances the best. Let's crown the monkey as our king." As a result, the monkey became the king. After the monkey became king, a cunning fox got jealous. 'How can such a stupid animal become king? None sense!'

  One day, the fox found a snare with a piece of meat on it while walking around. The fox carefully picked up the snare and took it to the monkey king.

  "My lord! I discovered a treasure. It is magnificent." "Really? Bring it to me quickly." The monkey was so excited that he approached the snare carelessly.

  And the monkey fell into the snare. "Snap!" "Ouch!" shouted the monkey with surprise. The monkey realized he got caught in a trap and blamed the fox. "You deceived me. What a bad fox!"

  Then, the fox laughed at the monkey and said, "You stupid monkey! How embarrassing it is for us to have such a fool like you as a king!"

  After saying that, the fox disappeared. The monkey became the laughingstock of other animals for behaving without thinking carefully.


  conclusion n. 结论

  Nevertheless adv. 然而,不过;虽然如此 conj. 然而,不过

  snare n. 陷阱

  treasure n. 财富,财产;财宝;珍品

  magnificent adj. 壮丽的;华丽的;高尚的;宏伟的

  embarrass vt. 使局促不安;使困窘;阻碍

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