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Mother Goose Lullaby

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儿歌名称:Mother Goose Lullaby
Hush-a-bye baby, thy cradle is green, father’s a nobleman, mother’s a queen, sister’s a lady
and wears a gold ring,
brother’s a drummer who drums for the king.
Once-a-bye baby, there lived a great king, who had a garden it looked like a dream, roses and
lilies of purple and cream,
every warm summer bouquets for the queen.
Once-a-bye baby, this garden so fair, had trees for the children to climb and play there, fruit
in the branches red cherries and pears, the king said come play, there’s plenty to share.
Susie Tallman Piano , Scottie Duncan Bass
Mozart’s Lullaby Wolfgang A. Mozart
Lyrics verses 2 & 3 Karen Kuntz
Sleep, little one, go to sleep, so peaceful the birds and the sheep, quiet are meadow and trees,
even the buzz of the bees,
the silvery moon beams so bright, down through the window
give light, o’er you the moon beams will creep,
sleep little one go to sleep. Good night, good night.
Sleep, little one, go to sleep, the flock is with Little Bo Peep,
Little Boy Blue blows his horn, today a new baby is born,
the robins they fly to their nest, the sun sinks below for a rest,
the ocean is blue and so deep,
sleep little one go to sleep. Good night, good night.
Sleep, little one, go to sleep, the baby chicks waddle and peep, sugar plum fairy spreads
sweet dreams for thee in thy head, the kittens and sheep say goodnight, put your head down sleep
tight, falling stars dance and they leap,
sleep little one go to sleep. Good night, good night.
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