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weather song

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儿歌名称:weather song
Weather is a combination of many things
It never stays the same; it’s always changing
Precipitation will come in many forms
Depending if the temperature is cold or warm

If it’s cold, you see, it could be windy
Blowing snow and sleet could make the roads icy
If it’s warm, you know, you could see a tornado
Watch the rain pouring down and see a thunderstorm show

Hey, the weather is the state of the atmosphere
Hot, cold, wet, dry, look into the sky
Hey, the weather is the state of the atmosphere
Stormy, cloudy, calm, clear, weather happens all year

Spin Around, Do The Tornado

Meteorology is the study of the weather
If we look at the climate we can predict it much better
Warm fronts, cold fronts, lightning and thunder
To find the temperature you can use a thermometer

Hurricanes form in the warm ocean water
The most powerful storm when compared to any other
Tornadoes are smaller, but the damage can be greater
A watch means it’s possible, a warning: take cover!

Dance like it's windy. Dance like it's warm. Dance like it's cold. Now, dance in a storm.

Clouds come in many different sizes and shapes
Cold air rises and makes water vapor that creates
Condensation, then precipitation, here’s a cloud list:
Fog, stratus, cumulus, nimbus, cirrus

Lightning is striking at 50,000 degrees
I hear the sound of thunder and feel the cool weather breeze
Red sky in the morning - take warning of the storm
Red sky in the night - the weather will be a delight
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